As for the noodles, although I've tried my hand at the home-made stuff and it's been fun, I find the convenience and quality of dried pasta to be the way to go. I haven't checked but there's probably something a little more authentic and just as convenient at our Asian grocery store.
4 lbs assorted chicken and pork bones
4 quarts water
3/4 lb bacon
1 onion, halved
2 carrots
1 head of garlic, halved crosswise
soy sauce
Pre-heat the oven to 400 F and roast the bones for about 45 minutes. Place the bones in a stockpot or large dutch oven with the water and bacon and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium or medium-low, whatever keeps it at a vigorous simmer. Remove the bacon after 1 hour and continue to heat for 5 more hours, replenishing the water as necessary. Stop replenishing the water and continue simmering for 1 hour, then add the onion, carrots and garlic and simmer for another hour. Turn off the heat and strain the broth. Season with salt and soy sauce to taste. The recipe can be scaled up or down, though given how long it takes, making lots would be wise.
Mmm, roasting bones.
Simmering away.
Aromatics. Almost done!
Soft-boiled egg and cabbage. Yum!
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